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570+ pads, 50+ sunscreen donation!!

In collaboration with the Sunflower Foundation, an organization dedicated to empowering girls through education, Change For Her has utilized funds from their English mentorship program in China to make a significant impact. We are proud to donate over 70 sustainable reusable pads, 500 disposable pads, and 50+ bottles of sunscreen to a school in Tibet. Believing that access to hygienic resources is essential, we are committed to expanding our efforts to support more communities in the future.

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Mentorship in Madagascar 🇲🇬

Fanomezantsoa, a member of the Change For Her organization, has been providing English lessons to students in her community for the past several months. On May 26th, all the students who participated in the program received a certificate of completion, recognizing their hard work and progress in learning the English language.

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Mentorship in Malawi 🇲🇼

Praise, a member of Change For Her, has initiated a mentorship program in Malawi, where she has been teaching English to 15 children in her local community for the past few months.

One of the challenges these students face is a lack of essential study supplies, such as pencils, notebooks, and books. To address this, Change For Her plans to support the program by sending these necessary educational resources to aid the students' learning.

In addition to the school supplies, Change For Her is also in the process of creating specialized English language learning materials to teach the children the fundamentals of the English language. The organization also intends to include personal letters from its members, as well as from students participating in other Change For Her mentorship programs, to foster deep and meaningful connections between the children.


Mentorship Program Progress!

We have successfully completed one month of our mentorship course lessons, providing students in China with the opportunity to learn English. Stay tuned for more information regarding courses in other countries, which will be posted shortly.

We have been able to raise 40,000 yen and our courses have expanded now to Japan, India and Madagascar!!

More updates on funds raised will be posted.

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Consistent Informative Posts

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私たちは Instagram 上で一貫した存在感を維持しており、その努力が報われ、視聴者が増加しています。私たちの投稿を通じて、男性のメンタルヘルス、ジェンダー規範のメディア表現、家事責任、児童婚など、幅広い重要なトピックを掘り下げることができました。


私たちは合計 5 つの記事を公開しており、それぞれがジェンダー関連のさまざまな問題に取り組んでいます。私たちの主な目的は、現代社会に対するこれらの問題の深さと影響について若い人たちを教育することです。これらの記事はすべて、組織内に協力的で献身的なコミュニティを構築することに情熱を注ぐ熱心なメンバーによって執筆されました。

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Published 1st Children's Storybook

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Our children's storybook is designed to challenge stereotypical gender roles and highlight the difficulties many girls face worldwide due to societal expectations. Our ultimate goal is to empower all youth out there to chase after their dreams, believing in themselves. 

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